You are invited to a screening of the documentary, “The Tiny Little Box, a Documentary about Depression” at the Small Steps, QianYongKang Hutong44.
7% of the general population is experiencing a major episode of depression at this moment.
Depression can be treated with appropriate anti-depressants and psychotherapy.
Your actions as a family member, friend, or colleague towards people with depression can be very influential to their recovery.

“The Tiny Little Box” documents four people’s experiences with depression. They share their stories about the onset of depression, recall what their emotional state was like during, and also talk about their recovery. Two mindfulness practitioners explore their experiences with mindfulness practice, which is heralded as an effective way to cope with, and also to aid in, the depression recovery process. The director of New Life Foundation also tells his story of how mindfulness changed his life.
This documentary has been screened in Thailand and Beijing and we invite you to join in and engage with us on a topic that needs more public attention. Through talking about mental health struggles, we take the first step towards healing.

Location: QianYongkang Hutong, 44 前永康胡同44号,东城区,北京
RSVP: Space is limited. Leave your name and your phone number in your registration email.
Fee: free
Time: March 27th Sunday, 2016, 19:00-20:30
We look forward to movie night with you!