If you have been following CandleX updates, then you have seen the beautiful black-and-white photographs of models posing in obscure positions under dramatic lighting. These are from our Moodlab photoshoot.
So, who are these models?
Why did they participate in the Moodlab photoshoot?

In 2016, CandleX launched a collaborative MoodLab project with renowned photographer Pere Ibañez. The current Moodlab campaign, called the “One Model One Story,” serves to remove the tinted-lens with which the public views bipolar disorder.

Models from the CandleX community participated in this photoshoot. The models came include people who have bipolar disorder, or who have cared for someone with the disorder, and mental health professionals. Through these photos, we hope to capture rarely exposed perceptions of the bipolar disorder on media; people who are in control, passionate, caring, and thoughtful.

Bipolarism is not synonymous with violence. People tend to think that if you are bipolar, then you are a violent person, crazy, strange, or unpredictable. This is certainly not the case. I suffered from a bipolar disorder for years, but I think even during those times that I was more mindful than some people without the disorder. It’s these misunderstandings, and generalizations that create a stigma for people with the bipolar disorder.
So, what is true about bipolar disorders?
The truth lies in the pictures, and this is the main focus of the "One Model One Story" campaign. The campaign calls for anyone suffering from a bipolar disorder, which could be any daughter, wife, husband, doctor, artist, or student, to help create a space for people to really understand "What is bipolarism?"
For some models, it’s a process for months until they are empowered to step into the studio. It’s a process to empower and connect. It’s a process to tell the world: "Hey, we are here, and you don’t need to be afraid!" It’s a process to tell ourselves that no matter how others see you, you are not going to apologize for having bipolar disorder! CandleX, through the Moodlab "One Model One Story" campaign is here to give you that voice.
This project has taken 1.5 years and another 1-2 years to complete, but the time together has created a bond among the models because of the interactions we have had, and the passions we shared.
There’s certainly more to everyone's story than published in these pictures, but we hope this will be a beautiful beginning.
Founder of CandleX
The initiator of Moodlab Campaign

So each month, we publish one story of a model. It’d be a 12 month+ phase to finish all stories. Thus “One Model One Story”! We are also in the process of making #B book, that has three elements, model’s picture, the story, and a fact on bipolar, 8-12 of those will come together in one book! To know more about this, please click here. We are still fundraising for the book, so please help us to make this wish come true.

With the release of Ibañez’s book (Syzygy), an exhibition of the series in Los Angeles starting Dec 2016, and the publication of it on various media platforms, the project has already gained an impressive momentum. Learn about the One Model One Story campaigns in more detail by reading our stories of the models. If you wish to learn more about the overall MoodLab Campaign, please click here.
Up coming story
on Ugne
World Bipolar Disorder Day 30th March

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