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Event Review | Parent Workshop on Mental Health

As we approach the end of summer, we will be saying our farewells to another generation of high school students leaving Beijing to study abroad. Though many have taken notice of the difficult transition from going to high school in one’s hometown to living independently in a country 7000km away, we often overlook that it is an equally, if not more, challenging transition from the parents’ perspective too.

In collaboration ESC, a college counselling firm, CandleX held a Parent Support Workshop on June 24 2018, aimed to address advice on how to support your children for when they leave college and how to deal with it as a parent, too.

After the workshop, parents had the opportunity to ask our speaker specific questions and also to discover local resources for continuing their education in mental health development.

This event is only one of the many CandleX organizes. We pride ourselves in our proactive outreach in the local Beijing community. One of the ways in which we like to do so is by organizing and facilitating workshops for different community groups. So, if you have any questions regarding emotional support and guidance, or any interest in collaborating with CandleX in organizing mental-health-related events, do not hesitate to reach out to us via our email ( or visiting our website for more information (

CandleX’s Resources

Read CandleX psychoeducation articles to learn essential knowledge on depression

CandleX Classroom

Depression stories from our community members

CandleX Column | My Story with Depression

A CandleX production on Depression

The Tiny Little Box | A Documentary on Depression

Bipolar Disorder Campaign

MoodLab Book #B

Support Group

Support Group Sign Ups

Support Group: Interview with the Beijinger

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