On 17th of May, 2015, with the full support from Moishe House Beijing, CandleX was honored to be with the friends from Moishe House, where Xiaojie QIN shared her personal story.
It started with an educational video on bi-polar disorder, followed by real life case of Xiaojie. We shared the symptoms of bi-polar disorder, and how it’s related to the environment and biological condition, as well as what we can do to improve the situation.

We were happy to see that audience started to open up during our Q&A session, and one particular participant came to us for more info. We strongly believe that, just by acknowledging and accepting that we do get unwell mentally in life, and seeing it as normal, it would significantly reduce the inward aggression, and self-blame that most people with depression experience. This is what our public sharing intend to contribute to as well.