Mental illness is a huge taboo in China. There is a lot of social stigma related to mental health and the majority of people who are affected by it do not have even a basic understanding of what is going on or can be done to help. Most end up suffering in silence, as they do not know who to talk to or even how to tell their story.
The fist step towards recovery is to talk about it, to shed light on the illness. Simply saying, “I need help” can open the door to recovery. It is equally important for those who are not suffering to know how to interact with and support those who are.
In June 2015, CandleX went to Thailand and produced a documentary that tells the stories of 4 people’s experiences with depression. These stories serve to educate society about depression and this contributes to a reduction in stigma being directed towards those suffering from depression. They also help to encourage and comfort those who are personally experiencing depression.

Join Us for a Screening:
19:30-21:00,16th May Bookworm Sanlitun, Beijing
For registration: email:
Past Screenings:
Dec, 2015 Moishe House
Mar, 2016 Beijing Mindfulness Center
Click here to watch the trailor.
We’d like to give special thanks to the bright and warm spirits were brave enough to share their stories with us. Thank you New Life Foundation for graciously hosting CandleX and allowing this documentary to become a reality.