If you or anyone around you is in a situation where you are in need of advice or help, here are three suggestions as to what you could do to resolve the situation.
Learn how you can help yourself: We’ve completed our online “Classroom”, which are articles we’ve written with the goal to support the community in taking care one’s mental health and giving guidance on how to respond to depression.
If you are a friend or a family member of someone who is in a crisis, please go to our website and find “classroom”. Read “Lesson 6 Caring for A Friend with Depression”
If you are experiencing a depressive episode, please go to our website and find “Classroom”. Read our 3 articles on “I have Major Depression” for self-help.

2. Go to CandleX’s Mental Health Peer Support Group in Beijing
This is our website: www.CandleX.cn
3.Reach out to the crisis hotlines listed below
For anyone in need of assistance in times of crisis, or just a listening ear, below are some recommended hotlines. They all offer anonymous, confidential support services and some of them offer it in the form of live chat. All services are free of charge: callers only need to pay the normal phone call rate.

In addition to these, below are some that offer English services. You can call them to make an appointment with the doctors. For specific fees and rates, please contact the hospitals directly.

In times of crisis, one may feel lost about what to do. Make a daily plan. Do one thing at a time.

You can also read our blog on people in our CandleX community who have struggled with depression and shared their experiences. visit: www.candlex.cn/my-story-with-depression
Please always believe that you're not alone, there're always people could be leaned on. And also, we love you.
Please never ever give up hope.