Feelings of loneliness and disconnection are difficult for us to deal with. If you have recently gone through a breakup, lost a loved one, or experience chronic social anxiety etc., you could feel intense loneliness right before bedtime. If we do not pay attention to how we deal with it and its impact, we might fall into negative coping behaviors like alcohol, excessive phone usage, or hookups to avoid feeling lonely.
It’s easy to know what’s the right thing to do, but hard to do it on your own. That’s exactly why we created the Bedtime Session, to tackle one issue at a time. After March’s session on emotional regulation, April’s theme is on sitting with loneliness, together as a group online.

Each session is 30 mins, and they will be mindfulness-based. You are encouraged to turn your camera off, put on your pajamas, and go straight to bed after each session. In these sessions, there will not be any talking amongst participants so we could wind down.
These sessions are created with the Session Goals to:
Establish a healthy bed time routine
Improve the quality of your sleep
Understand loneliness and what it means for you
Practicing being with loneliness
Increase mental resilience in the long run
Not feeling lonely is not a goal here, but it might end up being a result if you do it right
Mini-session series details:
Time: 22:30-23:00 Beijing Time Sunday to Thursday, every day for 4 days
Date: 24th-28th April 2023
Fee: 100rmb, no refund
Format: via Voov, guided session
Registration: contact Summer

About the Facilitator
You can also learn about psychotherapy by scanning the QR code in Xiaojie’s profile:
