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  • Lesson 6.3 Caring for a friend with depression- reacting to suicide/crisis situations

    So far, in our classroom on caring for a friend with depression, we have covered how to: spot depression in a friend, talk them about it and how to help them find help and go through treatment. This final lesson we will address two important topics. Firstly, how to respond if you believe your friend is at risk of suicide. Secondly, how to look after your own mental health when caring for someone with depression. Most of us don’t like to like to think about the idea that one of our close friend’s would even consider suicide. However, educating yourself about how to respond could help you save a life. With fast-paced Beijing life it is easy to get stressed and low anyway. The added stresses from caring for someone with depression can have severe toll on mental health. These guidelines can help you look after your mental health in a proactive way. Lesson 6.3 Caring for a friend with depression- reacting to suicide/crisis situations Be aware of the risk signs of suicide. Knowing common signs that someone is suicidal can help you know when to act. Remember different people show different signs of being in a crisis state and for some the signals may be more subtle. Trust your gut feeling and if you think something is wrong take action. If you believe your friend is at an immediate risk of suicide, do NOT leave them alone! Call emergency services as your friend may need to be admitted to hospital. In their 2016 national suicide awareness month campaign the American organization also suggest 5 evidence based actions for responding to a friend in crisis. Ask: Ask your friend directly if they are considering suicide. Many people worry about putting the idea of suicide in someone’s head, but studies show asking about suicidal thoughts does not increase risk of suicide (e.g. Mathias et al., 2012). Be there: Talk to your friend about their suicidal feelings “listen without judgement and with compassion and empathy”. You can go Classroom 6.1 for more info on this. Follow up: contacting and checking in with a friend in the days and weeks after a crisis can help reduce the chance of suicide. Try to contact them on a regular basis. Help them connect: help your friend reach out to a support system such as therapists, helplines, friends or family. Keep them safe: If your friend is feeling suicidal. Ask if they have thought about how they would do it. Keep them away from anything they have thought about harming themselves with. Looking after yourself To conclude our final lesson we are going to bring you some guidelines for how to balance caring for a friend with looking after your own mental health. “Is it selfish to focus on my wellbeing while my friend is suffering with depression?” Actually, looking after your own mental health is one of the most important things a carer can do. It’s easy for carers to become over stressed and face burnout. To give your friend the best support you can it is important to be proactive about looking after your own wellbeing. Be realistic about what you can do: As much as you would like to, you cannot “fix” someone else’s depression. You are not responsible for your friend’s mood, good or bad. Set boundaries: Although you want to help you can’t look after your friend all the time. Set clear limits about what you are able to do for your friend so you don’t get overwhelmed. It’s very important not to burn yourself out and make sure you take a break when you need! Get support: Many people caring for a friend with depression find talking to someone they trust about their experiences the most important step for protecting their mental wellbeing. Although be aware you might want to be careful about how much information you share about the friend you’re supporting. This brings to an end our lesson 6 on caring for a friend with depression. The chapter will be structured in three parts. Lesson 6.1 we talk about spotting the signs and talking about your friend’s depression. Lesson 6.2 we discuss helping your friend seek help and supporting them through treatment. Lesson 6.3 we conclude with responding to suicide/crisis situations and looking after your own wellbeing while caring for a friend. We hope that the lesson has given you the tools to help you respond proactively if your friend ever faces depression and to know that however small your impact feels the support you give to your friend can make a world of difference.

  • “I can save the world! No, I am a coward.” | What is it like to experience bipolar disorder?

    “I can save the world! No, I am a coward.” |What is it like to experience bipolar disorder? The majority of people have not experienced bipolar disorder before and we want to share some real life experiences of what living with bipolar disorder is like. All of the following stories are true stories that patients have voluntarily shared. We hope to raise awareness, improve understanding, and better enable the support of those struggling with bipolar emotion. 1) I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder for 8 years now. My emotions always transition between a depressed mood and a manic mood, just like a corsair in an amusement park. At the moment I am going though a depressive phase. I don't know how to describe it, maybe we can have a chat when I am in a manic phase. 2) People say this disorder is for geniuses, but I can’t even eat and sleep like an average human being. Sometimes confidence can leave a great legacy, and sometimes it can destroy the world. Maintaining a balanced life requires all of my energy. 3. I suffer from bipolar disorder. I am a senior in college majoring in Psychology. I was introduced to emotions associated with bipolar disorder a year ago in an abnormal psychology class, and when I thought about it carefully I realized that I had already experienced this myself 10 years ago in middle school. I was the leader of the class and my form tutor gave me a lot of freedom to develop. I was able to come up with many ideas and organize class activities. I liked talking to my teachers and my classmates about a lot of things. However, sometimes I would feel very depressed and was scared to communicate. I was like this until I started college. In college I had more independence so the problem became more obvious: I don't have a regular routine; I procrastinate on everything; I can’t cope with finals, internships or research papers; I feel more and more self-contempt and sometimes I can’t even take care of myself. Sometimes however, I am very active, have lots of ideas, make plans and show off to others. I am like two completely different people, one with a high level of confidence and one with an inability to do things. I frequently go to a counselor for help in order to better understand myself, but when I am depressed I can’t imagine how I perceive the world. Just recently, I have decided to use medication to help me to get through this. I am still looking for the right way to exist after a winter holiday of medication and self-observation. 4. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 7 years agoand I am only 17 years old now. Everyone’s situation is slightly different. When I am manic I can be funny and outgoing. I study even harder than usual without sleep. However, when I am in a depressed mood, I don't want people to remember me, tears run down my face while I lie on my bed doing nothing. 5. When depressed, all obstacles will destroy me. —Kafka When manic, I can destroy everything. — Balzac 6. When I am in a manic phase, I always want to express myself. I could talk about anything and am also very productive. When depression comes, I don't want to see people, nightmares make me choke and life is meaningless. I realized something wasn’t right after experiencing some physical symptoms 6 months ago. I finally had the courage to go to the hospital, and I was diagnosed with bipolar. “I can save the word, no I am just a coward.” 7. Sometimes I feel like I have depression. I don't want to go out, do anything or communicate with others. Sometimes I feel like I am very passionate about everything. I can do everything with a positive attitude and it can influence others, but I never know how long this state will last. It is like burning a candle, when the candle is burnt out, another extreme will occur. 8. I just experienced bipolar emotion a few days ago. After working hard for a whole year, I still did not get into graduate school. That afternoon, though the sun was warm, I was still very cold. Although the street was energetic, I still felt a sense of loneliness. Though I had many messages that needed to be replied to, I just wanted to get into bed and be isolated from the external world. I woke up early the next day, from 6 in the morning till 11 in the night, I could not stop working on my essay. I was like a machine, and I couldn’t stop writing, I wished I could be burnt out that day. This can be seen as a contradictory moment. 9. I can experience emotional ups and downs in a single day. When I want to write things, I cannot stop copying lyrics and writing things down. I do this to keep myself calm, but my mind cannot control my body. Sometimes when I fail to complete my homework, I feel like I am powerless. I have no energy to move or do anything other than lie on my table. I don't want to do anything and don't know what do to. I want to listen to music or read books but I am too down to do so. 10. During the holidays, I don’t have motivation to do anything: I don't go out, don't get out of bed and don't talk. When school starts, I study normally just like the others but sometimes I need to visit the school counselor for guidance. My emotions are like a swing. Sometimes I feel active, like I can achieve anything. Sometimes I am down, and sometimes I skip school. After talking to a psychiatrist, I came to understand that my emotions are affected by my family. I don't know who I am, I am like a puppet who is being controlled by my family. I never had the courage to break it, so I chose to give up. A few days ago I watched “Manchester by the sea”, a movie about “the past is the past, people don’t have to make up for it,” when I saw the character Lee saying “I can't beat it, I can’t beat it!” with a face full of sadness, I cried. I realised that I have wasted a lot of time, missed a lot of opportunities, but sometimes I still feel depressed. 11. I started running every day in March, I am afraid to stop. After spending spring festival home alone, I felt lonely and could not do anything. I had no motivation to do things other than eat and sleep. The person who exercises every day has now disappeared. 12. Last year in high school. My therapist told me to make a plan after school started. So I followed this advice passionately. As a result I had a good time. I couldn't stop doing my homework and I was very healthy. However, a few days ago, I failed to follow my plan. I was sad. Now I am suffering from bipolar emotions, I can’t make myself calm enough to study. I know I need to work hard, but I don't know what to do. 13. The week before school started was horrible for me. I could be on my phone 24/7. I was always tired but could not go to sleep. Sometimes, I even woke up in the middle of the night. I got better after school started and felt more energetic. But my mood still swings back and forth: negative and positive. I could not control my emotion, even when I tried to. It was useless. 14. This is my first time writing about this. I hope to live a happy life, but the opposite always turns out to be the case. Sometimes I think everything is bright; sometimes, everything seems so awful. Having these two extreme emotions is torturing me spiritually. But I believe the future is going to be bright. Photographer Pere Ibañez took some photos of the people around us, expressing bipolar emotion. These photos are being exhibited. Ibañez’s photos reflect his subject’s mental and physical suffering. However, we can also see that everyone who suffers in this way yearns to be cured. They wish to get through this with support and help of others. Our Emotional Wellbeing Moodlab Bipolar Awarenss Raising Project hosts workshops to help participants to get to know our emotions. Being aware of emotions and managing them not only helps those with bipolar emotions, but are also important skills for everyone in society. #beijing #bipolar #depression

  • Heaven and hell, in a single brain | All the things you need to know about Bipolar Disorder

    “She is sometimes a ranged shrew, with shrieks pierced my ears and frightful expressions in her eyes; standing on the stage, she forgets her lines, sings the wrong words, assaults other actors and falls into frustration from time to time. While she comes to a silence, her suffering martyrdom reveals her facet of a child.” Vivien Leigh may leave us with an impression of the sprightly, shining Scarlet in Gone with the Wind. However, the fact that she suffered from bipolar disorder is not a secret. Swinging in this bi-polar state, she exchanged for a dazzling but brief life at the expense of her health. So today, let us talk about all things related to bipolar disorder. What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depression, is a severe mental illness characterized by alternating periods of mania and depression. Mania is a remarkable characteristic of bipolar disorder, which commonly features: A heightened state of mind: an individual’s mind is extremely high but easily enraged. Racing thoughts: an individual’s pace of thinking is much faster than the frequency of language expression; individuals may speak very quickly often making quick changes between different topics. Sometimes individuals even find it hard to express themselves as their brains are too full of ideas. Increased activity: an individual becomes extremely talkative, fast-talking, and exaggerated in their words and content. Elevated self-esteem with impulsive behavior. Little need for sleep: the individual never gets tired even after prolonged activity and after working for a long time; they do not need to sleep, or only sleep a little. The main character of Skam — the Norwegian TV series, suffers from bipolar disorder. When he is in a manic episode he never sleeps at night and runs around naked at midnight. He, on a whim, breaks into other people’s houses to swim, and speaks unceasingly in an unconstrained style. Depression is the second characteristic of bipolar disorder. Depressive episodes of bipolar disorder tend to be very similar to single-phase depression (major depressive disorder) and they are difficult to distinguish clinically. Low state of mind, loss of interest, and decreased activity also appear when patients enter episodes of depression. Only when they feel depressed, do people with bipolar disorder tend to seek help. In fact, it is exactly because they only go to the doctor when they feel depressed that many people suffering from bipolar disorder are wrongly diagnosed as having depression. So, if you notice symptoms of depression in your family or friends, you had better pay attention to if they show manic behavior as well. The most painful truth for bipolar disorder patients is that they are alternately attacked by mania and depression. Sometimes you may see them living in an extreme high state of mind — so high that they feel like they are the master of the universe. In contrast, they sometimes get so depressed that they no longer want to carry on living. One bipolar disorder sufferer said to us, “Someone bleeds all his energy to keep living — that person is me.” Some misconceptions about bipolar disorder: Those who experience the pain will feel empathy towards those people suffering it. People without such experiences may easily have some misunderstandings and confusion about mental illness. This is especially true for bipolar disorder, which may give people a large space for imagination, and leads many misconceptions to arise. 1) Bipolar is just the normal ups and downs of moods. Many people may simply regard bipolar disorder as a state of “sometimes happy, sometimes sad”. Some people may put the label of “bipolar” on themselves and others at their will. This is very unfair for those who are actually suffering from bipolar disorder — just as some wrongly believe that patients with depression will get better merely by “being more positive”. It minimizes what it is actually like to live with bipolar. Sufferers of bipolar disorder are always swinging between heaven and hell in their lives. The feelings of surging and falling follow them, along with the struggle through day and night. As people who have not experienced bipolar, we may seek excitement by playing Mega Drop. But what if you imagine that you spend your entire life on the Mega Drop? This would probably be somewhat like the reality of a bipolar disorder patient. 2) Bipolar disorder favors genius (maybe I want some too)? Some people think that bipolar disorder is a kind of “genius disease”, which is the price people pay in exchange for intelligence and creativity. Many anecdotes and biographies show a tendency for people suffering from bipolar disorder or schizophrenia to show signs of genius and of being in possession of an “incomparable vision of world.” Some believe that an abundant imagination and creativity are the silver lining that keeps sufferers alive in the darkness of the disease. In the book Bipolar Disorder and Temperaments of Artists by American psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison, a list of celebrities who may suffer from bipolar disorder is shown. Writers, artists, and composers make up the majority.. In reality, bipolar disorder is a severe mental illness; the pain brought by it is strong enough to beat a man down. The “genius patients of bipolar disorder” reported by the media is a survivor bias. Though the ability to create incomparable arts sounds really captivating, bipolar is definitely not worth looking for. There are also many sufferers of bipolar disorder who do not demonstrate any exceptional genius or creativity – this expectation is simply false. 3) Is there a switch to alter the moods? Many people think it incredible that bipolar disorder patients can switch between mania and depression. Actually, some patients themselves can dimly perceive a “switch” in their brains, by which they can choose to turn on the manic state. In fact, the “switch” does not exist. Only in some conditions when the patients are doing certain activities, hormone secreted in their brain affects neural activities and accordingly trigger the mania. It is actually a switching process. Normally, patients are not able to anticipate the state in the next few seconds. Mood swings cannot be absolutely controlled. The road after bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder cannot be completely cured. Patients treated by medication have a quite high recurrence rate one year after treatment. In addition to the physical treatment by medication, psychological therapy plays an important supporting role during the rehabilitation period. In the case of emotional stability, the corresponding psychological counseling and treatment can greatly decrease the rate of recurrence. Mindfulness techniques and cognitive behavior therapy have proved to be effective measures for the treatment of bipolar disorder. For the family and friends of patients, their symptom of swinging between mania and depression is a heart-breaking and grievous problem. This situation seems “unreasonable” to them and it may consume all of their care and patience. Above all, for the patients themselves, the tolerance from both their families and the society in which they live is a crucial factor to alleviate the illness. Support, comprehension, and companionship from family and friends will provide the patients with a better environment for their recovery, and they are also useful indicators for predicting patients’ emotional stability. All the changes start from understanding All changes start from understanding. We participate in the MoodLaB-Bipolar Awareness Raising Project initiated by CandleX. We hope that this project is able to raise people’s awareness of bipolar disorder and also reduce the social stigma attached to it. Being devoted to a charity project related to psychology requires a lot of courage. People’s disdain, misunderstanding and so on can turn into significant obstacles for the project. We are very excited that CandleX is willing to make efforts, together with 简单心理, to eliminate the social stigma surrounding bipolar disorder. We know this stigma exists and we are determined to change it. Pere Ibañez, a renowned photographer, is now working with the project and exhibiting his photos, each of which shows a single man expressing their bipolar moods through facial expression and gesture. Perhaps not everyone can understand what these photos stand for, but for those who are getting troubled by bipolar, they are very impressive. We want to send people experiencing bipolar disorder the message that they are not alone; some people are caring about them, and ready for help. Hope you will stand by us and CandleX, to raise the public awareness of bipolar disorder, and eliminate the social stigma of it. References: American Psychiatric Association (2013). DSM-5. Andreasen, N. C. (1987). Creativity and mental illness. American journal of Psychiatry, 144(10), 1288-1292. Ball, J. R., Mitchell, P. B., Corry, J. C., Skillecorn, A., Smith, M., & Malhi, G. S. (2006). A randomized controlled trial of cognitive therapy for bipolar disorder: focus on long-term change. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 67(2), 277-286. Gale, C. R., Batty, G. D., McIntosh, A. M., Porteous, D. J., Deary, I. J., & Rasmussen, F. (2013). Is bipolar disorder more common in highly intelligent people? A cohort study of a million men. Molecular psychiatry, 18(2), 190-194. Salvadore, G., Quiroz, J. A., Machado-Vieira, R., Henter, I. D., Manji, H. K., & Zarate Jr, C. A. (2010). The neurobiology of the switch process in bipolar disorder: a review. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 71(11), 1488-1501. Zammit, S., Allebeck, P., David, A. S., Dalman, C., Hemmingsson, T., Lundberg, I., & Lewis, G. (2004). A longitudinal study of premorbid IQ score and risk of developing schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe depression, and other nonaffective psychoses. Archives of general psychiatry, 61(4), 354-360. #Moodlab #bipolar #depression

  • 1st Year Review | Mental Health Peer Support Group

    Going through depression can feel like the loneliest place in the world, especially when you live in hectic Beijing. For many, they are living alone here fresh off the boat from overseas, without a sufficient support system. Others are going through significant life changes, such as divorce or job loss, without a space to check in with themselves. The stigma around mental health here in China means people often don’t feel like sharing what they are going through with their colleagues, friends or even family and it can be difficult to find a safe space to talk freely about difficult emotions. In response to this issue, in Oct 2015, CandleX started the English speaking Bi-Weekly Mental Health Support Group in Beijing. The group runs on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. It is facilitated by CandleX. It gives participants a chance to talk about their experiences in a safe, empowering environment where peers share their struggles and stories. To date, the peer support group has been going for 1.5 years. At the 1 Year anniversary of the support group, we started a review of this group in Aug 2016, looking at the outcome of the group, participants’ dynamics, and significant cases. Our purpose is to provide better support From Nov 2016- Jan 2017, we’ve released 8 infographics reviewing our project. These are based on a 23-page report our research advisor produced. We want to give special thanks to Sally Souraya, an occupational therapist and mental health professional from Lebanon, who generously donated her time and expertise. We have compiled this Peer Support Group Review to look at the demographics of participants, how the support group has helped them, and to highlight areas in which we can improve. If you are still reading, we have a few requests: 1. If you are currently going through depression or severe anxiety, it’s tough. We know it. So come join us and let’s do this together. Please see our support group poster above. 2. If you are a counselor, please write to us. We receive requests every now and then asking for information about high quality, affordable services in town. We need to know who you are. 3. If you are media, please help us to spread the word. There are people in the dark who need this kind of support, now! Contact us and we’ll let you know what other depression based projects we are involved in. #mentalhealth #supportgroup #depression #anxiety #supportgrouppage

  • 2nd Year Review: CandleX Mental Health Peer Support Group

    Since 2015, CandleX has been hosting annual Mental Health Support Groups. It is a vital part of our initiative because the large scale of it contributes to raising awareness for people with depression, mania and severe anxiety. After two years of biweekly support group meetings, we come to our second annual group-review. We invite you to take a look at our review of the first 2 years! Here’s a letter from Xiaojie,founder of CandleX and facilitator of the support group.

  • Event review | CandleX Carol by Candlelight at Portal Café

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Well it certainly did on December 2 when CandleX hosted its inaugural 'Carols by Candlelight'. More than 70 people gathered at Portal Cafe to sing along to Christmas carols led by singers from acapella group Jing Sing. With songbooks and candles in hand, they sang a selection of favourite Christmas songs including Away in a manger and Jingle Bells. Jing Sing also performed a few songs, captivating the audience with their amazing harmonies. The MC of the evening was Xiaojie who is the founder of CandleX. She explained that funds raised from this event would go towards the Moodlab art education book. She also showcased a series of striking images that will feature in this book. It was a wonderful evening filled with music and joy. CandleX would like to thank Portal Cafe for providing their lovely space, the singers from Jing Sing and of course the volunteers at CandleX. Merry Christmas!

  • Carols by Candlelight

    This Christmas, come along to a special CandleX event: Carols by Candlelight. From 7-8pm on December 2, join us at Portal Cafe and sing along to some favourite Christmas songs, accompanied by live music. All welcome and entry is free​. #China #Beijing #depression #support

  • Event Review | Mental Health Week with Moishe House

    As a celebration of World Mental Health Day on October 10, CandleX’s World Mental Health Week took place during the second week of October with the goal to promote mental health among Beijing communities. We collaborated with an old friend of ours: Moishe House. Together, we organized a special yoga session, and facilitated a community discussion on depression and bipolar disorder. In addition to the usual stretches of regular yoga sessions at Moishe House, this session, on October 12, was an especially rewarding one for all our participants, for they were introduced to the link between yoga and mental health. Understanding the closely interlinked nature of yoga and mental wellbeing is integral to utilizing this therapeutic method to lower stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that the continuous practice of yoga allows for an increased sense of consciousness; this is essential in building a health relationship with self and body, adjusting mindsets and attitudes and developing resilience to anxiety. Yoga is the ultimate remedy for healing of the body as well as the mind. Xiaojie from CandleX kindly shared some personal experiences regarding how she employed yoga as a form of therapy to maintain and strengthen her mental health over the years. Throughout the entire session, the room was imbued with an atmosphere of tranquility and positivity. We look forward to seeing more of you using mindfulness as an approach to balance and adjust to a positive lifestyle! Following on from this, CandleX joined Moishe House from 8:30pm to 10:30pm on October 13 to initiate further discussions regarding issues of mental health. Marco, from CandleX, delivered a short and educational speech about his personal experiences with mental illness. It was followed by an hour of open discussion as well as a Q&A session, which were both led by Xiaojie. The open session engaged many of the listeners and the participants were not only curious, but were also given a safe and comfortable platform to share their personal experiences and thoughts on mental health issues. It is safe to say that this event was beyond beneficial for all the participants, and further drew the community to become even more amicable and close-knit. #depression #bipolar #beijing

  • Recommended Reading

    Books contain a wealth of information and are an invaluable source when facing mental illness. They contain both facts and personal accounts and are a great way to familiarise yourself with what you or a loved one may be experiencing as well as offering coping strategies. Please click on the image of each book for a more detailed description. All of these books are personally recommended by members of the CandleX community. We hope that they will benefit your life - as they have ours. 1 For a long time now, we’ve been looking for a comprehensive book for people whose lives are affected by Bipolar Disorder. When you, or your loved ones are affected by this condition, there’s so much you need to know. We are happy to share this precious resource with you. #depression #bipolar #reading #support #mentalhealth

  • Event Review | Mental Health for Foreign students in Jing

    On June 17th, 2017, CandleX ran a mental health workshop for American students who are visiting China for a language and cultural immersion program. They will be here for two months. The students are both excited and scared to be in China. They are most fearful of failing the program due to not fluently knowing how to speak Chinese. Admittedly, the students stated that they put a lot of pressure on themselves to do well. Some students are first-generation college students so they feel an immense amount of pressure to succeed. A number of students reported experiencing depression and anxiety, which is not uncommon for young people who feel great pressure to do well. In order to prepare the students for possible struggles in China, particular culture shock, we were invited to present information on how to recognize culture shock and how to combat struggles. This workshop's objective was to discuss culture shock, anxiety, self-care, how to help others who may be experiencing distress, and how to stay emotionally healthy. As always, we use heavy student participation throughout our workshops to ensure that the students can incorporate the knowledge quickly and efficiently. Students greatly participated by sharing their stories and how the first few days in Beijing had already presented numerous challenges. Many of us were able to laugh through these stories. We collected the feedback from the participants to assess our workshop’s outcome and benefits. Students were asked to give one word that would describe the workshop. Some of the responses were: safe space, helpful, relatable, interesting, bonding, friendly, important, deep, energetic, long, informational, overwhelming, useful, funny, honest, and reassuring. According to the workshop feedback results, more than 75% of participants reported the workshop helped them understand culture shock and 83% of the participants stated that the workshop gave them ideas on how to take care of themselves. At the end of the workshop, students were trained in progressive muscle relaxation. Many students said this was their favorite part of the workshop. Students suggested for future workshops that more focus be given on coping skills. Students said they would definitely try to make the best of their two months in China. They realize this is an incredible opportunity that few get. Hopefully, CandleX has assisted this talented group in this endeavor.

  • Background

    There’s a seed living in the heart of a jungle. When the seed meets water, sunshine, air and it grows into a tree; I often say that my own experience with mental health is that seed. When I see the darkness in other people’s heart, it echoes and turns into tears of water, the warmth I feel from people through my darkest time turns into sunshine, and the support that I get from people turns into air. So just like that, the seed sprouted. I named it CandleX. It’s always the tree symbolizes my deepest “Care for the Mind”. Xiaojie Qin Founder of CandleX FOUNDER CandleX was born on April 1st 2015 in Beijing. The organization was initiated by Xiaojie Qin who has been working with International Non-Profit Organizations in China since 2008, and has a strong personal concern and care for the our social mental wellbeing. VISION A world where all those affected by mental health conditions are acknowledged, accepted, and supported. MISSION To provide English speaking people in Beijing with affordable, accessible, and quality mental health Support. GOAL to reduce social stigma, increase public knowledge, and provide psychosocial support for people experiencing depression, mania and severe anxiety. WHO DO WE HELP? (TARGET GROUP) CandleX offers mental health support, in English, to teenagers and adults living in Beijing. Expats and Chinese nationals are all eligible to receive this support. As an English speaking Chinese national, with personal and professional relationships in the expat community and substantial international travel, Xiaojie found it difficult to identify with the Chinese mental health services available. She was searching for mental health support that utilized a more western cultural approach. This search did not yield any positive results and she concluded that the English-speaking community in Beijing lacked both social and clinical support. This realisation inspired her to fill the gap, and she soon after founded CandleX, with the aim of providing mental health support in English. The cost of mental health care provided by international private hospitals is prohibitive. Many foreigners living in Beijing are not able to afford access to these resources. There it little to no support available to those not earning the highest of expat salaries.Life abroad is stressful. Stressors include adjusting to a new culture, leaving the familiar, encountering different ways of thinking and different cultural norms. Chinese mental health care is available, but language and cultural barriers make both access and efficacy challenging. In addition to the expats residing in Beijing, there are Chinese nationals that feel that the Chinese care on offer is too culturally defined to benefit them. CandleX offers affordable, accesible and quality social support in English. WHAT ABOUT CHINESE? (CHINESE MENTAL HEALTH CARE) Those seeking care in Chinese are able to access it from a variety of sources. Hospitals, private counseling centers, university affiliated counseling centers, online counseling platforms and telephone helplines all offer support. There are over a dozen organizations operating in Chinese, in Beijing alone, where people can receive mental health care. HOW MANY NEED HELP? (ENGLISH MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES) One in four people experience some form of mental health issue(1). Beijing is home to an estimated 107.000 foreigners(2). It is evident from these numbers that many foreigners living in Beijing would benefit from accessible mental health care and support. CandleX aims to provide this support to those who need it so that everybody has access to mental health care regardless of their language, culture, and financial situation. CORE VALUES Our core values guide our actions and are the foundation for engagements between ourselves, the community, and our partners. Passion: passion is our engine and drives us forward in everything we do. Consistency: even in small numbers, when there is consistency over time, change can happen (3). Balance: we seek and practice to balance all elements of life. Connection: we connect with different partners to create a healthy environment. Empowerment: we create an environment that allows our community members to empower themselves to lead. Diversity: we welcome people from all backgrounds, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or age. Integrity: we act with honesty and honor without compromising the truth. INTERVENTION MODEL (4) CandleX’s intervention model is built in line with the international mental health interventional model, positioning ourselves at the bottom two layers serving the largest scale of the general population: universal prevention interventions, and selective preventative interventions. PROGRAMMES 1) Mental Health Support Group English speaking peer support group. This is for people affected by depression, bi-polar disorders, anxiety, and those who are going through difficult situations in life. 2) Community Events Presentations, speeches, movie screenings and workshops on emotional well-being, depression and bi-polar disorders are held in high schools, local community groups, embassies, government agencies and companies. These all aim to educate and empower. 3) MoodLaB | Bipolar Disorder Awareness Campaign This is an art project, started in 2016, that seeks to educate and destigmatize bipolar disorder. 4) Online Education Our media productions including videos, documentaries, educational articles, and a column where community members are invited to share their own personal stories about mental health. 5) Mental Health for Teens By providing workshops and talks in schools and with educational agencies, we address specific emotional needs of teenagers and build their resilience against mental health issues. References: 1 - World Health Organization - 2 - 3 - Serge Muscovici 4 - #mentalhealth #beijing #China

  • Charity Event I CandleX Rooftop Yoga, Sunday Weekly at Sunset

    We are now offering limited free spots to people that are going through depression or severe anxiety. For eligibility, to check eligibility, please read the info section. Drawn by the idea of having a yoga session at sunset, on the rooftop of old Beijing hutong house, where everyone can relax afterwards with a cup of tea and social time, we started Rooftop Yoga. Yoga is not just for the body, it’s also for the mind. We wanted to give like-minded people the opportunity to get to know each other in a cozy setting. So when our good friend generously offered her private rooftop space, we felt like it was the right time to organize an intimate cozy yoga session. (It will be rescheduled if the Air Pollution is over 150) Rooftop Yoga= 1 hour yoga+ 1 hour rooftop social + 1 drink Max number: 12 spots Level: suitable for beginner or medium level Time: every Sunday sunset time 17:00-19:00, April –Oct 2017 Fee: 100rmb including a drink (all proceeds go to mental health non-profit activities) To bring: Yoga mat + Water bottle (we do not have an extra mat) Location: Nanluoguxiang area (Details in the registration form) Scan the QR code to register Care Free Ticket: For people with living with depression, we encourage you to come by offering you a free yoga spot. Yoga has proven to be effective in recovering, and building mental resilience against relapse. Please come join us. Eligibility: People who are currently going through depression People who are making less than RMB8000/month We have limited free spots. The tickets are based on first come first serve basis. CandleX rooftop yoga authentic Beijing style What? Extra Tea?!-- yes, we provide extra tea to you if you bring your own glass or bottle. We know you care about the environment too! #mentalhealth #depression #Beijing

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