On the 7th of April 2017, China’s major national English news channel – China Global Television Network aired a two minute segment to celebrate World Health Day. CGTN is formerly known as CCTV English International and is a widely-known 24-hour English News channel of CCTV, based in Beijing.
Watch the full segment here (if in China)
here (if not in China)
An article, “World Health Day Raises Awareness for Depression” was featured on the CGTN’s website as well.

The interview featured Dr. Bernhard Schwartlander, the World Health Organization’s Representative to China; the Founder of CandleX – Qin Xiaojie; and a student from China’s top university affected by depression. The World Health Organization (WHO), which is the main sponsor of this annual project, chose depression as the theme of this year’s World Health Day. According to Dr. Bernhard Schwartlander, this issue was selected for it being very close to many people’s hearts.

As CandleX aims to help people, who may still be in the darkness and unable to get professional help, it was an important element of the news segment. Xiaojie spoke about the psychological difficulties many Chinese people experience. More often than not the society is not very supportive of public displays of emotion. Therefore, the sufferers of mental disorders tend to internalize and suppress negative emotions. This only leads to further mental distress and severe mental disorders.

The news piece also discussed the main symptoms of depression and aimed to shed more light on the disease that is still perceived as taboo in China. The World Health Day this year strives to bring awareness of depression around the world. Alongside big international organizations, such as the WHO, local NGOs, like CandleX are vital actors in both bringing the knowledge to the community and helping the affected individuals. CandleX is a needed social support for many individuals, who are going through depression on their own. CandleX is “trying to provide an inclusive, confidential, and non-judgmental support community”.